I've hit the wall!
I'm frazzled this fall.
The science project has taken over the dining room.
Homework was all over the kitchen this afternoon.
Dishes are piling up in the sink.
Laundry is piling up everywhere, I think.
Um . . . oh, yes . . .
The dogs need to be fed.
The dogs need to be fed.
Books need to be read.
And I did not make this hat fancy enough, I dread,
for my daughter's upcoming high school production.
for my daughter's upcoming high school production.
So while I'm busy working on painting sets,
I won't be around much, my regrets.
A few weeks is the call.
I'll be back soon to tell you it all.
* * *
The painting (from the original by Marc Chagall) we worked on together for a backdrop in her last high school production:
Like the animated fiddler (by Raz on YouTube), eventually, all the pieces fall into place . . .